Expertise & Philosophy
Few companies have earned the continuing level of trust and loyalty that Harrop enjoys. Ever since 1919, we’ve built this enviable reputation by concentrating on two simple principles:
- Knowing everything possible about drying and firing ceramics
- Dealing honestly and straightforwardly with every customer, every employee, and every supplier
You can confirm this by just asking around the industry, and by considering the following fact: Harrop is frequently hired by ceramic manufacturers as an independent consultant to help them evaluate drying and firing technologies and equipment options. Our advice is trusted to be unbiased. A good many industrial ceramics clients have relied on us exclusively for their kilns and dryers for 30, 40, even 50 years. And a number of customers, who had gone elsewhere, have later come back to Harrop for their next new industrial kiln or for improving a competitor’s previous installation.
National Industrial Ceramics Award Recipients
In 1991, readers of Ceramic Industry, a national industrial ceramics manufacturing magazine, voted Harrop Industries as the recipient of the magazine’s first national Supplier of the Year award. Harrop was voted this prestigious honor again in 1994. According to the magazine’s editor, Harrop received these awards “as tribute to its service-oriented association with ceramic manufacturers and its role in advancing ceramic technology”.

Professional Staff
It is our people, of course, who have earned these accolades. Harrop employees are well known throughout the industrial ceramics industry for their professionalism, ethical behavior, technical competence, and accessibility. Over the years, we have formed solid working relationships with hundreds of clients and suppliers. Our ability to provide this continuity of service has stemmed from the continuity of our professional and office staff – the average tenure is 18+ years. The Harrop staff is loyal and constantly maintains a sense of team effort and career service to our clients.

Drying and Firing Expertise
Employee education and training are fundamental parts of Harrop’s corporate culture. Our staff is expected to be out front in applied technologies. We invest a good deal of time attending technical meetings and trade seminars on the latest developments in industrial ceramics processing, new product R&D, and equipment and controls. Similarly, our people are encouraged to share our experiences with our clients through technical papers and presentations, and through volunteer work with technical societies, trade associations, and research centers.

Committed Partners With Our Clients
For nine decades, through good times and bad, Harrop has been steadfastly present and serving the needs of industrial ceramics manufacturers. Our growth and diversification have been carefully managed to preserve the partnership philosophy, which has been so successful for our clients and us. At Harrop, we will never spread ourselves too thin to not live up to our clients’ expectations.